Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sonic Duelist

This is Episode 2 of: Sonic Duelist!

Sonic Duelist Episode 2

The lost dream Part 1

Sonic woke up to a bed full of crumbs, and a white plate at his feet, empty of course. He slid out of bed, walked over to his calendar, looked at the dates that weren’t marked out with a red X. Yes! It was Saturday! No school!

YAHOOOOOOOOO!” Sonic shouted, flying out his door.

At the bottom of the stairs, there was a small, yet tall side table. On the side table there was a jumble of keys and Sonics deck lay on the corner of the table. His wallet was about to fall off. Sonic snatched up his now perfected deck, and his wallet. You see, since he finally perfected his deck, there was something he needed to buy, its was called, A Duel Disk. He needed it so he could battle other people with his cards. And his friend, Cosmo, had said she was going to buy one today. And of course, being his only friend and all, he challenged her. So down the street he darted thinking all the while, “I can’t wait to battle Cosmo, hope we’re good at it!”

Finally, he made it to “Kimo Game Shop”! Cosmo was there looking at all the different duel disks, when she saw him, she waved. She may be 8, but she was tall.

“Morning Sonic! I’m getting the green one, or the dark green one.” She said.

That’s just like her… Can’t choose which shade of green to pick. It was the same way with her hair, Sonic thought. You see, Cosmo dyed her hair green (Light Green.) After finding out her normal hair was white, poor kid. So, she dyed it green.

“I’m getting blue!” Sonic said.

Sonic somehow was born with blue hair. He took the blue duel disk and held it to his head. “Hmmmm, Does it match?” He asked trying to look up at his head.

Cosmo laughed, “Yea, pretty much!”

They took their duel disks to the front desk and the man said, “Yeeeeees?”

“We’re buying these!” Sonic said looking at the man like he was a nut job.

The man charged the $30 each and they walked out laughing at how the guy talked.

They battled, of course Cosmo had won. Then, after Sunday, they went to school.

After school the two sat eating their lunch (They got out early, because of Easter.) When, Shadow walked up, held out his (Shadow Black) Duel disk, and said, “Sonic, You and me have a battle to fight!” Then Sonic jumped up. And ran to the other side of the B-ball court. And then people were crowding around. Then the two duelists shouted, “DUEL!”

To be continued

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