Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here's Sonic shadow Amy and silver!

Sonic Duelist Episode 11

Hmmmm…. I’m thinking… RED! … Sorry, random things here!

Sonic Duelist, Episode 11

Punch, punch, YAY!

After telling his friends a hundred times he didn’t know what happened in his last duel, Sonic started losing his cool.

“Knock it of! I told you, I blacked out, and was trapped in a maze, and there was a door. It was locked. And then, about five minutes after I found the door, it opened. And I was sucked in. And on the way out, I passed a funny looking guy,” Sonic said, trying not to punch someone.

“But… I think your lying!” Amy said.

“Bite me!” Sonic said.

“Excuse me?” Amy said.

“I said, B.I.T.E M.E!” Sonic shouted.

“Well I never!” Amy shouted.

“Oh brother!” Silver said, slapping his hand over his eyes.

“Yea? You never what?” Sonic shouted.

“Excuse me, People do sleep you know!” Said a kid from up in a tree.

“Huh?” Sonic said looking up.

“The names Knuckles, and your in my class.” Knuckle said, flicking his long red hair, which had two long, thick, hairs at the side of his head, that had yellow bands around them.

“Huh?” Amy said.

Knuckles looked at Sonics arm and saw the duel disk. “Wanna duel?” Knuckles asked.

“Yea!” Sonic said.

The two spread out and then shouted, “DUEL!”

“I go first!” Knuckles shouted, drawing a card.

He scanned his hand, nothing he could use later on, so, “I play four cards face down, and summon, Old man Fighter!” Knuckles shouted.

Old man Fighter: ATK: 1300 DEF: 1600

“End.” Knuckles said, with a little bow.

“Draw!” Sonic shouted. He looked at his hand, nothing that could beat his monster. “One card face down, and, a monster face down in defense mode! End.”

“My- What?” Knuckles shouted looking at Sonic, who’s form was changing.

“Soon, very soon, my host shall learn how to control my powers, and I must have all the fun I can before that day comes! The day, my host, is only hosting one!” Corrupted Sonic laughed.

“Sonic?” Amy said.

Corrupted Sonic turned around.

“My host shall come back little- GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR! Pain, so much… PAIN!” Corrupted Sonic roared.

Meanwhile, in Sonics heart.

“Amy? I hear her, but where is she?” Sonic said (The real sonic.)

Sonic stepped down a few steps, then walked up some more, looking for the door out.

“AMY?” Sonic shouted.

Just then something brushed his knee.

“YOW!” Sonic shouted. “Who’s there?”

“I am the one being corrupted by the evil. My name is Shalar,” Said an echo.

“Where are you? What do you mean? How are you being corrupted by evil? Where am I?” Sonic asked.

“You, are inside your heart! Your body is being used as a tool by the evil inside me! I am nowhere near you.” Shalar said.

“Huh?” Sonic said.

“Many year ago, I was corrupted by an evil sorcerer, I was turned into a werehog! A werehog is the same thing as a werewolf, only with a different look. Because of my evil side, I was forced into this emerald, which was broken and turned into a puzzle. It was said, that the one who fixes the emerald, will be able to some day control the power of the dark. Its is said, that with this emerald, you can become king of monsters!” Shalar finished.

“Realy? No lie?” Sonic asked.

“No lie. But when you free yourself of the evil, I will be free, the evil will be locked in a small part of your heart! I will be able to talk to you when I am freed," Shalar said.

Sonic!” Amy’s voice filtered into Sonics ears.

“Did you hear that?” Sonic asked.

“A little. Sonic, was it? Do you know why you hear voices from the out side world?” Shaler asked.

“No,” Sonic said truthfully.

“Because, your heart needs what it wants to survive!” Shalar said.

“Huh? My heart needs Amy?” Sonic asked.

“No, Your heart needs, Friends! Listen closely,” Shalar said.

Sonic?” Cosmos voice came.

“Sonic?” Silvers voice rang loud.

“Sonic!” Amy’s voice came in.

“Sonic? Snap out of it!” Knuckles voice boomed.

“My friends… They call for me?” Sonic said.

“Yes, be free from this place!” Shalar said.

A door came up in front of Sonic, and he walked through. He paused for a moment, “Thanks for everything Shalar!” He shouted, stepping all the way in.

The light came to his eyes. He was with his friends, and Knuckles.

“I’m home!” Sonic shouted.

“Sonic, you fool!” Knuckles said.

Sonic smiled at his friends, and his new one. Got up, and they all left the small little road.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sonic Duelist Episode 10

YAY! My 10th episode! This one will be special!

Sonic Duelist, Episode 10

The Knight of Mares, Part 2

Blaze had just moved to Stardust City in the summer, which was also the start of a tournament. Blaze had three moon chips, and if she didn’t win this duel, she would lose two of them. And she was losing! To an eight year old, named Miles. He says he likes to be called Tails.

“Grrrrrr” Blaze growled, looking down at her cards,

Blaze Flare Min: 400 Life points

Miles Tails Prower: 2300 Life points

“And here’s my last card!” Blaze said, drawing a card. “Flame Warrior! But of course, I must send two monsters to the grave, and thanks to my spell card ‘Final Chance’, I get to summon, one, monster from my hand!”

Tails monsters: Final Machine: ATK: 2100

Lost Plane: ATK: 1800

Mini Bomb: ATK 0

Blazes monster: Flame Warrior: ATK: 2300

“Attack the Mini Bomb!” Blaze shouted.

Meanwhile, back at Sonics duel.

“It’s my turn!” Mare shouted, “And I activate my trap ‘last dream’ which sends two of my monsters to the grave, and your whole hand! But I don’t end there; here’s my spell card, ‘Blast from the Nightmare’ which allows me to summon any eight star, or more, monster from my deck to the field! An I choose ‘Nightmare’!”

Nightmare: ATK: 3100 DEF: 2600

“And now, die Dragon Fighters!” Mare shouted, watching Nightmare swing his sword at the Dragon fighters. “Your nightmare will come soon!”

Sonic: 1200 Life points

“Grrrrrrrrr” Sonic mumbled. The Emerald Puzzle started glowing. “GRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!” Sonics hair grew longer, and a dark blue. His hands spouted hair, and claws. He grew a tail, small. His ears shifted up, and turned straight up and pointy. He had turned into a monster.

“No, your nightmare has just come true!” Sonic said, sounding different.

“What?” Mare shouted.

“My turn, I summon, Little Knight! In attack mode.” Sonic shouted.

Little Knight: ATK: 0 DEF 2000

“What?” Mare said.

The monster looked different from the rest Mare had seen. This one had a shadow around it, and its eyes were wide. Its skin was a pale gray (Well what you could see of his skin, most of it was covered in armor.) The sword was a wicked green, the armor was black as coal.

Corrupted Little Knight: ATK: 10,000

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?” Mare shouted.

“This is the power of the Blue Emerald!” Corrupted Sonic shouted. “Now, I play this card ‘Tail Wind’. It destroys all your monsters! Now that their gone, attack, Little Knight! End his swindle of a life!”

Mare: -6300 Life points

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Mare shouted grabbing his head.

“Penalty game!” Sonic shouted pointing a finger at Mare’s head.

Suddenly, Mare’s skin turned gray, his eyes went white, and his hands fell to the ground.

“Be trapped in what you would call a nightmare, forever!” Sonic shouted.

Sonics hair started to disappear, and he was back to himself in minutes.

He fell to the ground and his friends stood there staring, with open mouths.

Blaze had won the match, took Tails’ best card, Final Machine, and took two of his moon chips. And walked away, smiling.

When Sonic come to, he took three moon chips, and the card Nightmare. And his friends flooded him with questions.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sonic Duelist Episode 9

Wow! I’m already at Episode 9! Way to go, me!

Sonic Duelist, Episode 9

The Knight of Mares, Part 1

After Amy beet Violet Rose, The gang left the man scrawling on the ground.

They found a nice place to eat, and then they walked around for someone to duel.

“Man, Dull!” Sonic moaned. “I call next duel!”

They walked about a mile when a guy came up and said, “Losers! Want to duel, blue hair?”

“SURE!” Sonic shouted, the two spread apart, and then shouted, “DUEL!”

“I go first!” Shouted the guy, “Oh, by the way, I’m Crud, you cab call me The Knight of Mares!”

“How about, Mare?” Sonic shouted.

“Fine, what ever, I draw!” Mare shouted.

He drew “the Pit of Nightmares”. That could come in handy. He looked at the cards in his hand, saw that he had only one monster. “I play, Evil Knight, in attack mode,” Mare shouted.

Evil Knight: ATK: 1800 DEF: 0

“And here’s three cards, face down!” Mare shouted. “Turn end.”

“My turn!” Sonic drew a card, placed it with the other cards in his hand, and scanned them.

He had two monsters, one spell, and three trap cards.

“Fine, I’ll summon, Dragoon, In Defense mode!” Sonic shouted.

Dragoon: ATK: 1400 DEF: 2000

“And now here’s two cards face down!” Sonic shouted, “End turn.”

“My turn, Spell card activate, Pit of Nightmares!” Mare shouted, “This card allows me to play two monsters, now I draw!”

He drew a monster card. GREAT!

“I summon, Total defense ghost, and Zombie from the Dark!” Mare shouted.

Total defense ghost: ATK: 1900 DEF: 0

Zombie from the Dark: ATK: 1600 DEF: 0

“Attack!” Mare shouted.

“Trap card activate, Stop the Charge!” Sonic shouted, “This card stops your attack, and stops your battle phase. Wait, what were you attacking?”

“YOU! My ghost attacks you life points directly!” Mare shouted. “Turn, end.”

“Draw.” Sonic said. “I play two more cards face down, and summon, Dragon Fighters!”

Dragon Fighters: ATK: 1900 DEF: 1900

“ATTACK!” Sonic shouted. “Say good bye to your Zombie Dragon!”

Knight Mare: 3700 Life points

“Oh, Don’t worry, I’ll end it soon!” Mare shouted, looking twisted at a face down card.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sonic Duelist Episode 8

Here Episode 8!

Sonic Duelist Episode 8!

Rise of Doom!

The tournament of Shine City has finally begun! The Ante was one rare card, and a Moon chip. Every one scattered across the city.

Amy, Silver, Cosmo, and Sonic, were together.

“I hope the duels aren’t too hard!” Amy said.

Just then this guy hopped out from behind a bush. He was in a long black jacket, his hair was violet colored. His eyes were somewhat red, his fist had brass knuckles on them.

“SO, who wants to be tortured by, The Violet Rose, first?” The man asked, his eyes falling on Amy. “You! Pink haired girl, you will duel, and lose, to me.”

Amy looked at Sonic for help, but Sonic was looking at Violet Rose with mad eyes.

“O- okay.” Amy said stepping up.

They found a wide place to duel, since they were in the park, they chose a nice field.

“DUEL!” The shouted.

“I go first!” Amy shouted slipping a card from the top of her deck.

She drew “Lady Dragon Tamer” and slid it into her hand.

Looking over the cards in her hand she saw two spell cards that could help her in times of need. She only found one trap card, and it wouldn’t help if Violet Rose attacked. But the Dragon Tamer would help.

“I play Lady Dragon Tamer, in Attack mode!” Amy shouted, “And two cards face down.

$10 says they’re the spell cards!"

Lady Dragon Tamer: ATK: 1600 DEF: 2000

“Turn end!” Amy shouted.

“Turn start!” Violet Rose shouted.

He drew a spell card that would help him end her poor life. He scanned the cards in his hand. He had one trap that could help, and one that wouldn’t. A monster card called “Torturer of Fire”.

“I play, Torturer of Fire, come, kill your pray!” Violet Rose shouted slamming his card on the duel disk. “And here’s two cards face down.” He ended his turn, and bowed to show the end of his turn.

Torturer of Fire: ATK: 1600 DEF: 100

Amy picked up a card, just then the Freak Headed Rose shouted, “Not so fast, since you drew, I get to activate ‘Final Torture Helmet’!” The Violet Rose shouted. “It straps a helmet around your head, and takes 1000 life points from you for ever monster you summoned, and look, you summoned one last turn! DIE!” Violet Rose shouted.

Suddenly, the helmet started to zap, then, Amy Burst, she screamed so loud, you could hear her from twelve miles away!

“AMY!” Sonic shouted.

Amy Rose: 3000 Life points.

She slid a card onto the duel disk, it was “Dragon of White”.

Dragon of White: ATK: 1900 DEF: 1500

“Attack- Dragon down pour!” Amy shouted, as the helmet started shocking again.

Amy Rose: 2000 Life points.

The Violet Rose: 3700 life points.

“Now Attack my dragon tamer!” Amy shouted.

The Violet Rose: 2100 Life points.

This must have been the end for Amy, But just then. “I flip my two face down cards! Which are both the same!” She flipped over “Arrow Fleet”. “This card tale 1000 life points from you! And I didn’t end my turn! I also play another spell card, ‘Fire Breath’!” Amy shouted, “This card takes 500 life points from you!”

The Violet Rose: 0 Life points.

“Nooooooo!” Violet Rose shouted.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sonic Duelist Episode 7

Here’s Episode 7!

Sonic Duelist, Episode 7

Allen Corps. Rage.

Sonic stood looking at Mr. Crum, he just couldn’t believe that Shadows father was holding the tournament.

“Oh, dear me! Looks like you all wanted to know the time, yes?” Said Crum.

“No, dip!” Silver shouted.

“Yea!” Someone else shouted.

“Well, it will be two days from now, at twelve’ o’clock.” Crum said. “That only leaves the prize! $500,000!” Crum shouted.

“Oh my Gosh!” Amy said.

“I dig!” A man shouted moving forward. His pants were ripped, and his hair a yucky green, his eyes were somewhat brown. His fingers had claws on them, he had a dog on a black leash.

“I’m Vector Franklin Borg!” Vector said. “And I’m the one who’s going to win this thing! Right, Flee?”

The dog barked.

The man stepped back into the ocean of people, and the dog followed silently.

“Uh… Okay, so, anyway, the winner will also win, this card, Silver Phoenix!”Crum shouted. Walking away.

“Okay! Well then, see you all at the tournament. Which I tend to enter!” Mayor Kimly boomed.

Later Sonic and Amy were at a food place called “Flying French Food”, they were eating and Amy was starring at Sonic.

I wish he would notice me, Amy thought, all he does is stare out the window, maybe I should enter the tournament to, just to show him!

Just then something blew up!

“What!” Sonic shouted.

“That building, it just blew up!” Amy shouted.

For once Sonic looked at Amy, but not the way she wanted, he was looking at her in shock.

They ran out the door and saw the building being destroyed by, gasp, Allen Corp.

“Oh no!” Amy said.

“Do not worry people; We are using this building to make some stuff for the tournament!” Crum shouted walking over to the wave of people coming out from stores.

Later Sonic had called Amy.

“Sonic what a surprise!” Amy said, twirling the phones wire.

“Yea, I just had to ask… What do you think the stupid Allen Corps. doing with the building?” Sonic asked.

“Oh, if that’s why you called, ask Silver, he was in a store there at the time and saw it too!” Amy said, hanging up the phone.

“Huh.” Amy sighed, sliding slowly down her bedroom wall.

“Amy?” Sonic asked into the cell-phone. “Oh well, better call Silver, see what he thinks Allen Corps. Rage is all about!”

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I found these pics of the human forms of Sonic, they looked just like how I pictured them! So I thought you would like to see!
Just in case you don't know, these are what the Sonic characters from Sonic look like in my Sonic Duelist!

Sonic Duelist Episode 6

Yup, I hope you’ve enjoyed these story’s! I mean, come on! I’ve gotten to episode 6!

Yea baby! Anyways, here’s episode 6!

Sonic Duelist, episode 6

The tournament announced! Part 2

Sonic woke up to a clap of thunder, he jumped, at least, five feet in the air!

“Whoa, can’t believe I’ve got to go out in this!” He said, rubbing his forehead.

He went down stairs, got a coat on, got his wallet, said bye to his mom, and left.

Sonic ran through the rain. All around him people were taking cover under something.

Silver was waiting at the front of “Kimo Game Shop” for him.

“Wow, didn’t think this would happen!” he shouted to Sonic. “Sorry, bro!”

WOW! That was the first time someone called him bro! He felt a grin come to his face, and hid it quickly.

“Yea, its one bad storm!” Sonic said, looking up at the sky.

They went inside, and a man (Egg shaped) was standing at the counter, arguing, with the owner.

“I demand that you tell me when the tournament is!” The guy shouted.

“Sorry, I’m not allowed. You got to wait till they say it in the city!” Kimo said.

“Grrrr, Why you mother-“ The guy cut off.

The guy stormed out shouting, “You’ll pay for disobeying the Eggman! You hear me?”

“Mr. Kimo, can we see the new duel monsters booster pack?” Sonic asked.

“Yes, and don’t forget to go to the city square tonight, they’re telling everyone when the BIG tournament is.” Mr. Kimo said, smiling. He handed them two booster packs, they were gold with blue stripes going down the edges. The name was, “Dragons Rage.”

“Cool! How much?” Sonic and Silver said, at the same time.

“$3.00” Mr. Kimo said.

“We’ll take ‘em!” Silver said handing over his money.

Sonic handed his over too, and ripped the wrapping off.

“Cool! I got a dragon that has 3000 Attack! It’s called, Red eyes Flame dragon!” Sonic said.

“I got one with 3000 Attack too! Its called Blue eyes Ice Dragon!” Silver shouted.

The two looked at each other, and showed each other their card.

Just then Amy came in.

“Oh, Sonic and Silver.” Amy said paying Mr. Kimo for the new pack of cards.

That night, the three went to the square, to see what was up.

“There will be a tournament being held here in this city.” Mayor Kimly boomed. “It will be held by none other then Allen Corp.!”

“Did he just say?” Amy said turning to Sonic.

“Yup.” Sonic said.

“Mr. Crum Allen, has come to tell you when.” Mayor Kimly.

A man with black hair with red stripes running throughout. He looked just like Shadow!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sonic Duelist Episode 5

Here Sonic Duelist Episode 5. Wow, I’ve been doing good! Hope you’ve enjoyed!

Sonic Duelist Episode 5

The tournament is announced! Part 1

Sonic was sitting in school, doing his reading, when gun fire made him pay less attention to his study. Everyone rushed to a window. Outside there was a black car, screeching away from a man lying on the ground. Everyone in the class was saying stuff like, cool or, oh my gosh! But Sonic looked over at Amy, she had her hands clapped to her mouth.

“Amy?” Sonic asked. Then everyone in the class' heads turned.

“That- that was my- my brother!” Amy said, tears going down her face.

Her brother lied in a gutter, with a bleeding chest. He, too, was holding a gun.

“Oh my Lord!” The teacher, Mr. Edwin, said.

“Amy?” Sonic said again, looking at his new friends face full of tears.

Amy ran out the room, Sonic followed fast.

“Amy! Wait, if the guy comes back, he’ll kill you!” Sonic shouted.

Just as Amy slid next to her brother, the black car pulled up.

“Dumb girl! You should have stayed in school! Mwa ha ha ha!” The driver mocked. Sonic shouted and dove at the cars window. He slammed through, glass spraying everywhere, punched the guy, took the gun and threw it down a sewer.

“That’s where guns belong!” Sonic shouted.

The guy was out cold, face bleeding from the glass. Sonic opened the door, and got out.

The next day, Amy wasn’t at school, she was at her brothers funeral. Sonic grieved inside. The guy that shot her brother went to jail. Cosmo and Sonic dueled later that day.

This time he won! He showed Cosmo the emerald puzzle, and Cosmo gasped, “Wow!”

They chatted for a while, and then Sonic went home to ponder over his deck.

The next day at school, they had a new classmate. “This is Silver! Silver would you like to tell them your full name?” Mr. Edwin said, smiling.

“Yes, my name is Silver Flench Grinder!” Silver said, smiling at the class.

“You may sit… Over there, next to Sonic!” Mr. Edwin said.

When Silver sat down, Sonic greeted him by holding out his hand. Silver took it.

“My names Sonic! Nice to know ya!” Sonic said, pondering for words.

“Likewise!” Silver said letting go of Sonics hand.

“Do you play duel monsters?” Sonic asked.

“Yea! Love it!” Silver said, “Why? You want to duel me?”

“No, just good to know, in case I do want to duel you!” Sonic said.

Wow, already my wish is coming true, when I wished on the emerald puzzle, I didn’t think it would! Sonic thought. You see, when Sonic finished the puzzle, he made a wish, to make more friends.

Later, When Sonic went home, Sonic was sitting on his bed, eating chicken nuggets and watching TV. When a pebble hit his window

“Hello?” Sonic shouted, after he opened the window.

“Sonic? Good. I got the right house. I wanted to let you know, that there’s a new duel monsters pack coming out, at game shops all over the place!” Silver shouted. “Tomorrow, want to come with me?”

“YEA!” Sonic shouted, waving.

Then he slumped back to his bed and went to sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Here’s Sonic duelist part 4

Sonic Duelist Episode 4

The lost dream part 2

Shadow swiped a card from the top of his deck, and then stared at his cards. “These cards are stupid, what can I do with them?” he mumbled.

He picked a card from his hand, “Here’s my card, The lost Avian!” Then Shadow slammed a card onto a slot on the duel disk.

“Who, what am I going to do?” Sonic said.

“SONIC!” Cosmo shouted.

Just then a slash of claws swiped across Sonics face.

“My Avian’s effect, he can attack directly! HA!” Shadow shouted, as Sonic fell to the floor.

People all around them Ooooohed and Aaaaaaahed, Sonic sat there looking at Shadows monsters. Then it got bad! The surroundings turned into dark Shadow.

“I activate my spell card, World of Lost Dreams! Meh heh heh heh!” Shadow laughed.

Sonic looked at Shadow, “Do your worst!” He shouted.

“Oh, I plan to! You see, I also activate my other spell, Room of Greed! I get to draw three more cards!” Shadow snarled.

The people around were gone, even though Sonic knew they were still there.

“I end!” Shadow shouted.

“MY TURN!” Sonic hollered.

He drew Flame Lion. “Great… I need to send a card to the graveyard to summon this!” He thought. Then, he looked up, Shadow hadn’t defeated his monster! His opponent had left an opening!

“I SEND FLAME DRAGON TO THE GRAVEYARD!” Sonic shouted. “To summon, Flame Lion!”

Flame Lion: ATK: 2600

The Lost Avian: ATK 1000

Doom Warrior: ATK: 1800

“ATTACK! FLARE BURST!” Sonic shouted pointing at Lost Avian.

“GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Shadow shouted blocking his face.

When the smoke faded, Shadow was standing, burn marks all over.

“DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE SONIC!” Shadow said drawing a card. “THIS IS YOUR DOOM! I PLAY THE LOST SOUL! Dream Eating Dream!” Shadow shouted. “Of course, Avian must go!” Avian vanished.

Dream Eating Dream: ATK 2500

“How’s that going to beat Flame Beast?” Sonic asked.

“It isn’t targeting the beast! Its target is you! It is like Avian!” Shadow said.

Sonics Life Points: 3000

Shadows Life Points: 4000

“Now… DIE!” The ghost went into Sonics body, and came out the other side.

Sonic screamed.

-2500 life points Sonic now has 500 life points.

“Now, here’s the thing, I play the spell card, Dream crush!” Shadow shouted, “This card make you lose 500 life points! Oh, look at that, that’s all the life points you have!”

Sonics head split, he screamed as the pain shot from his head. Slowly, the field changed back to the B-ball court.

“SONIC!” Cosmo shouted.

Sonic fell to the ground like a bug.

“You didn’t last as long as I’d hoped!” Shadow said, “Face it, your dream of beating me, is LOST!”

Cosmo had tears in her eyes, some people went to cheer on Shadow, and some stayed.

“Is he hurt?” Amy asked stepping closer.

“I’m fine. Wow, it hurt so much.” Sonic said.

Later Sonic was walking home, talking with Amy. You see, Amy just felt so sorry for him that she offered to walk him home, and as they walked, and talked, Amy got to like Sonic.

“So, did you hit him?” Amy asked.

“Nah, he ran!” Sonic was telling her about when he was in 3rd grade.

They got to Sonics doorsteps and Amy waved.

Sonic walked in through the door, and went upstairs.

There, he found, on his bed, a box. There was a note,

It Read:

Dear Sonic

Your dad found this on one of his digs, and he sent it here. He wanted you to have it!

Hope you enjoy!

Love Mom.

Sonic opened the box, inside was a bunch of pieces.

“Cool! A puzzle!” Sonic said.

About midnight hit, and he had just finished, it was an emerald! Blue! With a loop at the top, so Sonic looped a string through it and used it was a necklace.

Here’s Episode 3! And I’m going to be doing something to show you the Peoples decks! Hope I can get it to work!

P.S. All the cards will be my created ones!

Sonic Duelist! Episode 3

The story of the past…

Once there was an Egyptian, who lived in a palace of gold. His palace was surrounded by pyramids. One day this Egyptian King was sitting on his thrown. “Ahhhh, How time fly's, already my son has moved away, I’m a weak old man, and yet I feel… so, useless!” said the King.

“King, y-you must eat…!” said the Kings robot squire.

“Ahhh, if only it were that easy, I want to die, my life… is meaningless without my son!” Said the king.

“No, you must eat! If you die, so will the land, and the prophecy!” The squire said.

“Prophecy, be damned!” The King shouted getting up.

The King walked to a window, stared out over the land, and sighed. “Why, why did my son leave to be a trader? WHY!!!!!!!!!?” The king shouted.

Then the king jumped out of the window, he was at least 50feet up.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” the squire shouted, “King Robotnic!”

“And to think, my great granddaddy, was once a king!” Said Eggman looking through files. “Prepare my deck, and duel disk! I leave to the upcoming tournament! Down in New Born City!”

“So Shadow… You want to start?” Sonic asked, friendly.

“Gladly, jerk!” Shadow shouted swiping a card off the top of his deck. “I’ll start with the monster card, Warrior of Doom!” Shadow shouted, slamming a card on to a slot on his duel disk. “Then I’ll play two cards face down, and end my turn!”

“My turn!” Sonic said, slipping a card off his deck. “I play, Flame Red Dragon! EAT THIS PUNK!”

Warrior of doom: ATK: 1800 Def: 2000

Flame red Dragon: ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000

“Darn… your monster's stronger, oh well, go to defense mode Flame Dragon! And now I play one card face down and end!” Sonic said shrugging.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sonic Duelist

This is Episode 2 of: Sonic Duelist!

Sonic Duelist Episode 2

The lost dream Part 1

Sonic woke up to a bed full of crumbs, and a white plate at his feet, empty of course. He slid out of bed, walked over to his calendar, looked at the dates that weren’t marked out with a red X. Yes! It was Saturday! No school!

YAHOOOOOOOOO!” Sonic shouted, flying out his door.

At the bottom of the stairs, there was a small, yet tall side table. On the side table there was a jumble of keys and Sonics deck lay on the corner of the table. His wallet was about to fall off. Sonic snatched up his now perfected deck, and his wallet. You see, since he finally perfected his deck, there was something he needed to buy, its was called, A Duel Disk. He needed it so he could battle other people with his cards. And his friend, Cosmo, had said she was going to buy one today. And of course, being his only friend and all, he challenged her. So down the street he darted thinking all the while, “I can’t wait to battle Cosmo, hope we’re good at it!”

Finally, he made it to “Kimo Game Shop”! Cosmo was there looking at all the different duel disks, when she saw him, she waved. She may be 8, but she was tall.

“Morning Sonic! I’m getting the green one, or the dark green one.” She said.

That’s just like her… Can’t choose which shade of green to pick. It was the same way with her hair, Sonic thought. You see, Cosmo dyed her hair green (Light Green.) After finding out her normal hair was white, poor kid. So, she dyed it green.

“I’m getting blue!” Sonic said.

Sonic somehow was born with blue hair. He took the blue duel disk and held it to his head. “Hmmmm, Does it match?” He asked trying to look up at his head.

Cosmo laughed, “Yea, pretty much!”

They took their duel disks to the front desk and the man said, “Yeeeeees?”

“We’re buying these!” Sonic said looking at the man like he was a nut job.

The man charged the $30 each and they walked out laughing at how the guy talked.

They battled, of course Cosmo had won. Then, after Sunday, they went to school.

After school the two sat eating their lunch (They got out early, because of Easter.) When, Shadow walked up, held out his (Shadow Black) Duel disk, and said, “Sonic, You and me have a battle to fight!” Then Sonic jumped up. And ran to the other side of the B-ball court. And then people were crowding around. Then the two duelists shouted, “DUEL!”

To be continued

Friday, March 20, 2009


Oh boy.... It's been hard to make out the story I've come up with... But I came up with the first part... LUCKY ME! This story is about yugioh cards, mixed with Sonic Humans. Sonic's human name in this story is Sonic Devlin Randy.

Sonic Duelist, Episode One.
The First Day.

One day our Sonic D. Randy was sitting in class watching the day go by, not a friend in the world, when the teacher called "Randy! Whats 2+2?"
Oh great... A baby question... Sonic thought. Then answered "4... Duh!"
"Sonic D. Randy! Report to the principles office after class!" Mrs. Anderson said sternly, and strait.
"Fine..." Sonic moaned, going back to looking out the window.
This new game had popped into his neighborhood, it was called Duel Monsters!
He had already got about 75 cards, thanks to his $10.50 he got for his allowance every week. Since he had no friends he didn't use it for movies, of birthday presents. So he spent most of it on this card game, and he almost made his deck. There was this girl in his class he liked, Her name was Amy Twine Rose. And another... He was 8 and in his class, his name was Miles Tails Prower, he says he like to be called his middle name. And this one kids... Knuckles Red Echo, wow... who (What) were his parents?
And this other boy, his name was Shadow Free Allen. And this one girl, her name was Rouge Herm Heartsworth. And then there was Cosmo Jupiter Vin, she was the only one Sonic called friend.

Sonic just got out of the stupid principles office mumbling, when young Cosmo (She was 8 like Tails) came up to him with a big smile. "Hey Sonic! Whats up?" She asked.
"Oh. Hey, Cosmo. I'm just about to work on my deck. You?" Sonic said, whipping out his deck.
"I already perfected mine, its full of planet cards, and stuff! Spellcasters, that sorta stuff..." Cosmo said whipping out hers.
"Mines full of cards like warriors, dragons, that stuff," Sonic said flipping through cards.

When he got home Cosmo gave him a card in return he gave her one too. Then she gave one last smile and walked away.
"This will be a good card to add to my deck!" Sonic said closing the door.
He walked up the stairs and went to his room, he sat on his bed, gave a short yawn, and laid back on the soft cushiony bed, and dozed off.

When he got up it was dark out side his room window, and there was a hot meal sitting on his desk. Thank God for his Mom!
"Mmmmm! Chicken wings! Yum!" Sonic said. He ate it, and it looked like he was about to shove it down his throat.

To be continued.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I got something new coming! But It'll take a while to figure it out! Maybe two or three days! But it (May) be worth it!

Monday, March 9, 2009

This story is a story about, Shadow, Human form!

Human Shadow in,
Getting good and lucky.

Shadow was at a casino (Go ahead and sue the poor guy) with BAD luck. Then he suddenly won $1,000,000, then he did it again and again. He did it over 50 times!
"I'M RICH!" He shouted.
Then Sonic (Human) walked in. "Hey ya Shadow!" he said.
"I'm rich sonic! FILTHY STINKING RICH!" Shadow shouted at Sonic.
Sonic looked mad, then left.
Shadow turned around and played another 50 games.

The next day, Shadow went back there, same slot machine, and won another 50 times. Shadow got up to go play a different
Sonic came in after Shadow walked off. "Hmmmm? That's the slot Shadow was playing... I'll have a go!" He said sitting down. Since he was so fast, he won 1,000 games in 30 minutes (WOOOOOOOOW).
Shadow came back and said, "Sonic i have $150,000,000!"
"Shadow.... I have... !$1,000,000,000!" Sonic said.
"............................!" Shadow... gasp?
Then Sonic went out of the casino and went to tell Amy.

The End!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Isn't he SOOOOO CUTE!? (That's Baby Suicune) He's a pok'e'mon. Back to the story...!

A Fight for Love! part 3
Silver made it to the Alter of Space. And saw (Out cold) Blaze.
"BLAZE!" He shouted.
Then Cougar came out from behind a pillar, holding a knife.
"You... YOu... YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!" He shouted.
"Who the heck...?" Silver said.
"WHAT? Tell me... How is she destroying space... HOW?" Silver shouted.
"YOU!!!!! HER!!!!!! SPACE!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!" Cougar shouted.
"FINE I'LL HIT IT OUT OF YOU!!!!" Then Silver jumped at the monster.


"Huh?" Silver said, out of breath. For there lying on the ground wasn't the beast he was fighting, it was a young cougar (The animal).
"Your... Your... the only one... who can stop me!!!" Cougar (de-monster) said.
"What?" Silver asked.
"You... Must... Stop that... MONSTER!!!!!!!!!! He controlled my body and now... he stands behind you...with your friend..." Cougar said.
There... Behind Silver, was a beast, LONG FANGS! SHARP EARS! RAZOR CLAWS!
Then it charged at Silver, still holding Blaze.
"DIE!" It shouted.

Fire... From Blaze's hands... FIRE! She had come through, and blasted the beast to kingdom come.
"TAKE THAT!" Blaze shouted.
"BLAZE!" Silver shouted.
"SILVER!" Blaze shouted.
They ran to each other and kissed (YES! On the mouth!)
".................................. Great... Space is saved... but my lunch wasn't!" Cougar said barfing.

Hope you LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEDDDDD my three part story! BYE!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

... Okay... I'm back with part 2 of... A Fight for Love!!! Just look at the one Before this, if you haven't read it already, or... you'll not get this story...!

A Fight For Love!: part 2

Cougar had kidnapped, cat napped? Blaze. Now! back to the hill Blaze and Silver were on before the... Kidnapping!

Silver had just came back, when (yada yada yada) he found a note lying there on the ground. "Huh?" Silver said (Duh! He's the only one there...) He started to read.

Dear #$%@&, I have taken the one who destroys space herself! I will kill her at dawn, on the altar of SPACE!
Hate Mr. ??????
(Just to let you know, if you don't, #$%@& is a cures word! DO NOT TRY TO GUESS!)

"WHAT!?" Silver (Duh) shouted. "WHY YOU!!!!!!!! BLAZE!!!!!!!!"

As Silver walked to the Altar of Space (Which is God knows where), he started thinking of the note.
"Destroying space? What yahoo am I dealing with?" he thought, "Blaze? How can she destroy space?" Then he remembered a (BAD) man that was at his mercy tell him.

This is Silvers memory.

"My boss ordered us to disrupt space, if the line of space is stretched beyond its limits, the whole word will be destroyed." The man said (He was leading the plot).
"Why destroy something you live on, you'll die too!" Blaze shouted.
"NO! You fool, we will live! We have this ship that will take us to another world!" the man said. "Plus once the worlds gone, my boss WILL RULE!!!!!! MWHA HAHAHA!" Then he died.

Out of Silvers memory.

" So... That's why this Mr. ?????? wants to kill her? WELL IT WONT HAPPEN!" Silver shouted. The lightning touched down at a spot at least 100 miles from where Silver was. And again, and again (Fishy huh?) Silver stared, then said, "THAT'S IT! That's where she is! I can feel it! I'M COMING BLAZE!"

Join us (ME) next time, as the fight begins!!!!! In,
A Fight For Love!: part 3

Friday, March 6, 2009

You may think I'm CRAZY for thinking this... but I think Silver and Blaze look good as a couple. And if you think Blaze looks better with Sonic.... YOUR SO SICK I BARFED ALL OVER THE KEYBOARD!!!!!!!

Comment your opinion. I WON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Bite your tongue, if you say sonic, not silver, BITE IT!!!) ..... Did I get to mad?
................. FINE! Say Sonic! I can't stop what you think! Or... Can I? MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! *Cough* *Cough*

A fight for love! Part 1

"Silver, the night sky's so pretty! And, the moons so full!" Blaze said gazing at the moon.
"Yup! This is my favorite spot to look at the moon! It looks like this every night!" Siver said, smiling of course!'
"Its always like this? Wow!" Blaze replied.
"Yup! Every night! And sometimes the moons even BIGGER!" Silver said, turning his head to look at Blaze.
Then they just watched the moon move across the night sky, dreaming of the BIGGER moon. Then they drift off, next to each other, alone.

(You'll find out why its called "A fight for love" in a minute!)

The next morning, Blaze woke up to find Silver gone, and there was a pile of food (We're talking, fruit, sandwich's, carrots, and... well... water...) All in a basket!
"Huh? Whats this?" Blaze said. There was a note stuck on the basket.

It read: Dearest Blaze, I will come back in an hour, just went to pick up some things! If you're there when I come back I'll walk you home.
Love Silver.

"Hmm..." Blaze sighed. "Guess I'll just wait."
Then Cougar came up behind her (Oh great, here come the damsel in distress part.)
"YOU! YOU! You... Defy space it's self! YOU MUST COME WITH ME!!!.... Better yet I'll take you by force!" Cougar shouted.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This story is ALL about Vector, Charmy, and And Espio. Those three gags! What a laugh.

A BIG splash


“…” Vector… uh, stared?

“AND THIS GUY OFFERED US A JOB! To * pant * take photos of the WHOLE thing * pant *” Charmy said.

“…” Vector… (GOSH! I wished he’d stop doing that… I can’t say he’s saying something… GOSH!) Uh… stared?

“Vector, he means some Fool’s gonna pay us to take pictures of a party!” Espio said.


“About… $400,000! And he said we could get $400,000 more if their good pictures.” Charmy answered.


At the party, there were people out of the… (Not allowed to post.) Vector was snapping pictures like they were his favorite treat.

“SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now that we have pictures… LETS PAR-TAY!” Vector shouted.

The three split up. And about an hour later, the three were POOPED!

“That felt good!” Vector said. “Lets go sit by the pool!”

Just as vector went to sit down, a basketball flew at him (Now where did that come from?) and hit him in the back of the head. Vector went SPLASH into the pool!

The splash was so big the water emptied out.

“DANG NAB IT!” Vector shouted.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just a quick note

Right now I'm out of ideas for the Egg Race. So I'm gonna post other things till I get more ideas! Okay with you? Well it has to be, because you can't choose what I do! HA!

Egg Race, Part 2

Egg Race Part 2

Later, at the Egg Race Grand Prix. “OH! That stupid Eggman! Last time he tried to pull off a grand prix he tricked us!!!” Jet shouted.

“Yes, but we still got the treasure!” Wave said.

“GUYS! Sonic and a bunch of other fellows are heading this way! And some weren’t here last time!” Storm said.

“Lets go greet our old, and new, pals! AHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!” Jet said smiling.

“SONIC! JET, WAVE, AND STORM ARE HEADING OUR WAY ON BOARDS!” Tails shouted pointing ahead.

“Uh… Yea… I can see you know?” Sonic replied. “But looks like… WHA!” Sonic shouted, right before getting knocked off his board.

“Aha ha!” Jet laughed.

Jet and his crew were circling the Sonic gang (I just call them that because I don’t feel like saying ALLLLLL their names!) Just then a BIG black burst SHOT from the ground. It was Shadow, Omega, and Cougar (Cougar is my made up guy! This is how to pronounce his name. Coo- Gar. The A-R make the sound you hear in, jar, bar, call your friend Bob and tell him he’s about to walk into a bar!)

“HA! We will take this STUPID race on. AND WIN!” Shadow shouted zooming off. (Shadow uses hover shoes, Cougar uses a board, and Omega hovers!)

Every one was at the starting line of the first race at, Water Bound Jungle.

Then Eggman shouted. “ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Sonic Riders: Egg Race!

Here's a story about Sonic Riders.

Egg Race part 1
Jet's big hit.

Sonic and friends (Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Cream, Silver, Blaze, And Rouge) were sitting around a TV. when the whole place went dark! "Hey! Who turned out the lights?" Sonic said. Then the TV came on (Nothing more). "Hoo, HOO!! I am Dr. Eggman and I'm here to tell you about the BIG, BIG, race that I'm hosting. The EGG RACES!!! There will be a prize of $500,000 and the key to the abandoned mine. Which has a mother load, of GOLD! WHOOO HOOO! If you win, you get the money and the gold...! You must ride a, Hover Board, Hover Motorcycle, Or Hover Skates.
One last thing. The money will be in this trophy, the trophy itself is worth at least $500,00! So all together that's, $1,000,000 and alot of gold! WHOOO HOOOO!"

After that report the lights *popped* on and the gang ran to fetch their boards.
"Hey, Sonic, do you think we can win?" Silver asked.
"YUP! SURE DO!" Sonic shouted.
"Ready when you are Silver, which is almost always!" Blaze said smiling.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here's a story about Silver!!!

Silver Vs Shadow

Silver was sitting on a log (WOW! Big whoop!) When Shadow walked up and pushed him off. "HEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!" Silver shouted.
"HA! I've got no time for the likes of you!" Shadow said walking two steps.
SMACK! Silver had just punched shadow in the face.
"WHY, YOU DIRT BAG!" Shadow yelled. Silver slid to the side, tripped Shadow, the kick him in his gut (OUCH). Then Shadow jumped up and punched Silver in the face, tripped him, and kicked him in the face (OUCH again). Then Shadow started running towards the city. "COWARD!" Silver shouted giving chase. They were neck and neck, then Shadow KICKED Silver in his face. Silver went flying, right through a building.
"ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!" Silver shouted coming through the other end.

Silver started running. People were every where, but Shadow was nowhere to be seen... "DANG! Lost 'im!" Silver shouted.
Then out of nowhere, Shadow flew by (Yes FLEW was what he did! Now shut up! Stop asking questions!) Silver took the chance and used his psychic powers, to lift up a few cars (Yes that's right, CARS!) Shadow was just about to turn around, when the (Few) cars went flying at him. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGG" Was all Shadow got out before... KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM (Yes Kaboom!) Silver thought it was victory, but just then, Shadow hopped out from the rubble, and ATTACKED (Yes he still had strength!) They were flying between two buildings (YES FLYING! Now stop asking questions! Shoot!) Their fist were going so fast that you could barely see them. Then just at the top of the building, Silvers fist made contact with Shadows jaw, and Shadow fell, straight through the roof. "Well see ya later Shadow, if you survive."